About us - our mission

Our mission is to prepare people for their next career step.

About us: Founding of Newcareer

The world of work has been undergoing fundamental change for some time. The demands are constantly changing. Employers are investing less and less in the development of their employees. The latent willingness to switch to other companies has increased enormously. More and more people are taking their career development into their own hands. Against this background, we founded Newcareer by von Rundstedt in 2015. You should know about us that our goal is to offer our clients career advice tailored to their needs and financial possibilities. In the meantime, we have helped over a thousand people (from all hierarchies, functions and industries) to successfully land their new dream job.

About us: Our approach

Based on the experience of tens of thousands of individual counselling interviews, we have developed a modular concept that gives our clients a clear advantage in the application process. Our three-stage programme begins with the positioning and the reality check, which often reveals completely unexpected career opportunities for our clients. In the second stage, everything revolves around the ability to present and “market” one’s own successes as well as one’s own person in a clear, unambiguous and differentiated manner. In this stage we also place an emphasis on developing a unique selling proposition (USP) and networking ability. The third phase focuses on market entry, preparing for networking meetings and interviews. In addition to finding the desired new job, our approach also strengthens the individual’s competence to position themselves more successfully in salary negotiations or internal promotion processes.

About us: The Team & Job Coaches

We are proud and grateful to be able to draw on a team of excellent and experienced career counsellors and job coaches. Our advisors come from a wide range of professions, management levels and industries and they are united by the fact that they are all certified and proven in practice. They know the Swiss job market inside out and can therefore provide our clients with the best possible support. We accompany our clients throughout Switzerland at 10 locations in German, English, French and Italian.