7,000 successful job changes by our clients.we will help you too.

Book your free initial consultation now!

Dissatisfied in your job - but disoriented?

You have a job, but have not been enthusiastic about it for a long time. There are no or too few development opportunities. You can’t shake the feeling that your skills and time could be put to more meaningful use in another job. But how do you get there? Our career counsellors will guide you through a process that has been tried and tested thousands of times and will, of course, be adapted to your personal situation. In this guided process, we work with you to identify your skills and competencies. Often this results in unexpected job opportunities that had not even been on our clients’ radar screen. You will learn from our experts how to successfully market yourself on the Swiss labour market, how to distinguish yourself from competitors, how to find networking opportunities and how to use them to find a job. Finally, we train your ability to convince in an interview and get your dream job.

Ready for the next step in your career?

  1. Arrange a non-binding telephone conversation and describe your current situation.
  2. Discuss possible career scenarios with an expert. Discuss possible career scenarios with an expert.
  3. Find the right career package for your situation, profile and budget.
Why should I rely on professional help when reentering
the labour market?

On the internet you can find a lot of useful information and videos on how to start your next career step. But which sources are good and reliable? With us, you get support from professionals with industry and professional experience, individually tailored to your profile and situation.

How does counselling usually proceed?

After a non-binding initial meeting with your counsellor, the goals of your counselling will be defined. In addition to individual coaching sessions, you will train your skills in workshops and receive feedback from experts. You get access to online tools such as assessments or our client portal and work with us on your strategy, your market entry and your application. We accompany you throughout the entire process.

Where do the counselling and workshops take place - and can I also participate online?

Counselling and workshops take place at our 10 locations and/or online via virtual tools.

Who will look after me?

You will receive a counsellor who is right for you, as well as support from all other team members as needed. Depending on the counselling, you will also receive additional labour market or networking resources.

What does coaching with Newcareer cost me?

The prices are right for your needs and goals. We can offer a suitable product for almost any budget.
Talk to us without obligation.

How long do I need for the whole process?

The duration depends on the difficulty of your profile (industry, position or age) and the desired result.
You set the pace and are free to choose the counselling dates, so you can easily combine the process with your current job.