
You have developed a positioning, you know your profile, your success stories and what motivates you?
You want to expand your network, convince in interviews and increase your visibility on the job market?

We will define your brand through an assessment and find out your success stories. Afterwards, you will take part in a one-day Bridge & Networking Bootcamp, where you will train your appearance and presentation. You will learn how to connect with relevant key people.

A market expert will support you in developing your market strategy and accessing companies. You will receive training on our digital market tool Shortcut.

Your personal consultant will prepare you for networking conversations.


2 one-to-one sessions with a career consultant to work on your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) and success stories.
Bridge & Networking Bootcamp (full day)
One-on-one pitch and bridge session
One-on-one session with a market expert on market strategy
Shortcut training and access to market tools
One-on-one Networking & Communication session (60 minutes)
Access to the vR Community

Networking skills, communication skills, learn to differentiate between “warm call” and “cold call”, learn how to start, conduct and close a (sales/networking) conversation

Career Package Networking


CHF 3'500.00