Get access to 1:1 career consulting programs

Benefit from tips & tricks gained from more than 8,000 career programs. Book a free 20 minute session to find the tailor-made program for your needs. Be one step ahead of your competitors.

20 minute session

What we offer

Career development

You have a job, but have not been enthusiastic about it for a long time. There are no or too few development opportunities. You can’t shake the feeling that your skills and time could be put to more meaningful use in another job. But how do you get there? In our career counselling we guide you through a process that has been tried and tested thousands of times and is of course adapted to your personal situation. In this guided process, we work with you to identify your skills and competencies. Often this results in unexpected job opportunities that were not even on our clients’ radar screen. You will learn from our experts how to successfully market yourself on the Swiss labour market, how to distinguish yourself from competitors, how to find networking opportunities and how to use them to find a job. Finally, we train your ability to convince in an interview and get your dream job.

Job search

You are looking for a job or planning to return to work after maternity leave. However, your many applications have either been unsuccessful so far or you have been invited to the first round of interviews, but after that it’s over. You are beginning to suspect that you need tips & tricks for your success that other applicants probably have, but which you are still lacking.
Our decades of experience have shown us what a successful CV looks like, how to present a convincing success story and how you can then impress in the job interview.

The successful job completion of our clients proves us right.

Our career services consist of one-to-one sessions, workshops and digital solutions. Let us tailor your career counselling individually and modularly to your personal situation and financial budget.

20 minutes counselling, no obligation!

Get to know us in a no-obligation conversation and learn more about our service and how we can help you.

Our offer


You have a very specific request. For example, you want to have your CV revised by an expert or you would like to have a professional prepare you for an upcoming job interview. Our career modules offer you a variety of efficient individual solutions that optimally meet your needs. – Take a look at the entire Newcareer modules.

  • Career Development
  • Resilience & Balance
  • Documentation & Communication
  • Network & Interview
  • Expert

Optimised for you

50% of our clients choose a completely individualised advisory solution. If this applies to you, please contact us with confidence.

Ask us without obligation or book a free 20-minute counselling appointment directly to discuss your situation and receive a career package.


Your job situation requires a structured approach. Our career packages combine tried and tested module combinations – efficiently and pragmatically. Find out more about the full range of career packages.

• Orientation
• Market entry
• Job search

Talk with us

Job Coach Carsten Sudhoff

Carsten Sudhoff

For German, English or French
Job Coach Silvia Bralia

Silvia Bralia

For Italian


A professional reorientation requires a positioning – especially after many years of working in the same field. You can book a positioning including career counselling with us.

Career counselling Switzerland

In career counselling / career advice, our job coaches provide advice on determining your current position, career planning and career development.

Job coaching / career coaching

With career coaching, a job coach accompanies you throughout your career. You can request job coaching for individual situations or book more intensive career coaching.

CV Check

A convincing CV is no coincidence, but the result of intensive work. Our CV Check offers you access to our findings from thousands of counselling interviews. Our experienced job coaches and career advisors support you in making your successes visible in your CV.

Job search

A job search can be a lengthy affair – unless you get hold of a good professional network and know the relevant tricks. We offer you professional career guidance in your job search / job hunt.