Unhappy in your job?

You have a job, but you are unhappy? Many employees are stuck in this unfortunate situation and know no way out. The question of whether your current job is what you want is not easy to answer. New skills are increasingly in demand and job profiles are constantly being adapted. So where do you start to find your dream job?

Your boss makes your work difficult and you are strongly dissatisfied. But is a troublesome boss reason enough to change jobs? Motivation left your job a long time ago and you know you should do something about it. The enthusiasm for your job has been lost and there are no development opportunities. Because of your job, you also don’t have a good work-life balance. Dissatisfaction is making itself felt and you know that your precious time could be better spent and that you are up to greater challenges. Inner resignation has thus begun. But where do you start? How can the professional situation be optimised and what do you still need to find out before you can reposition yourself in the job market?

Is it just a phase?

Everyone has a down phase, you’re in a bad mood and the work performance is barely kept up enough. But how do you know that the dissatisfaction is not just a phase? Answer the following questions:

  • Do I find long-term pleasure in my job or am I dissatisfied with it?
  • Does it reflect what is important to me (my values)?
  • Can I use my strengths?
  • If I am honest with myself, do I believe that I (or this situation) can really be successful?
  • What opportunities do I lose if I keep this job?

After evaluating these questions, you can get a good initial assessment of your job satisfaction. Determine that you are dissatisfied with your job and no longer out.

How did it get this far?

Finding the trigger for job dissatisfaction is often difficult.
According to Statista, poor pay is one of the most common reasons and is also the number one reason for a career change.

What is your personal reason for changing jobs? Do you find yourself in the chart?

Do you want to change something? Then you need 1. a clear idea of what you enjoy, 2. the knowledge of which jobs are suitable for this and 3. the required skills or a successful application strategy and network.

Our career consultant will guide you through a process that has been tried and tested thousands of times and will be adapted to your personal situation. Your skills and competences will be crystallised during this process and new talents will become visible. You can expand your horizons and find completely new, unimagined job opportunities.

With the help of our experts, you could develop and learn the following:

  • Your positioning in the Swiss job market
  • The ability to “market yourself personally”
  • Differentiation from your competitors
  • Opening up networking opportunities


Are you looking for new opportunities? Then we have the perfect package for you. Click the button and register.

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Full support

Care is one of our most important values and you will be able to benefit from it. Your concern is important to us and that is why we are happy to go the extra mile to make your professional wishes come true. Whether it’s tutoring in the design of your CV or a crash course in the social media platform LinkedIn. Whatever it is, we are there for you. To top it off, you’ll be trained for the job interview so you’re sure to land your dream job. Presenting yourself well, knowing your personal worth and also looking your weaknesses in the eye are skills that you can learn well. We are happy to help you with this and look forward to meeting you.

Employability Check

Are you looking for a career change? We analyse your opportunities on the labour market. Click the button and register.

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You don’t want to be unhappy at work anymore? Are you ready for the next career step and a new job? Then arrange a no-obligation telephone conversation and tell us about your current situation. Discuss possible career scenarios with an expert and get closer to your dream job.

Need more tips?

Arrange a free and non-binding initial consultation with one of our career consultants Carsten Sudhoff. Simply click on the button below.
Carsten Sudhoff career counselling